Team Europe Initiatives (TEI) support development projects under a joint approach bringing together the European Union and its member states, as well as a number of partner states and European agencies, to provide a coordinated and coherent effort of their external development action worldwide. Among these initiatives, the Mav+ project supports the manufacture of and access to vaccines, medicines and health technologies in Africa, in order to boost local manufacturing capacity and strengthen pharmaceutical systems. The Tess Mav+ technical support structure was created to support the smooth running of the Mav+ project. To organize their workload, Tess Mav+ sought to develop a platform for managing and assigning technical support requests formulated by beneficiary institutions in partner countries.

The platform envisioned would serve as a case management system, allowing first the formulation of requests by partner countries, the validation of these requests by the Tess Mav+ team, the assignment of requests to the relevant expert and the monitoring of the provision of expertise. The platform aims at coodinating the work of experts and integrating the feedback of beneficiaries, while monitoring the activities of each stakeholder.

Relief Applications developed the platform on Oort, a no-code tool for application building. It integrates all the requirements for the management of requests while allowing the flexibility to easily modify the process and build upon it to integrate additional features, such as data visualization. The platform is secured with detailed role permission settings, keeping access to information to authorized persons only.