The Plateforme d’Intervention Régionale de l’Océan Indien (PIROI) is a regionally oriented support platform associated with the French Red Cross, with a specific mission to supply equipment for deployment during natural disasters and emergency operations.

Supplied by private donors, the inventory managed by PIROI necessitates a thorough inventorying and traceability process before distribution to various countries for disaster preparedness and response efforts. Historically, these processes predominantly relied on paper-based documentation, presenting a significant risk of data loss and complicating the task of maintaining accurate stock and inventory records for the PIROI team.

To help sort these challenges, Relief Applications developed a web platform called Warehouse Management System (WMS) to be used by warehouse operators and managers alike. The solution entailed the development of both a web and mobile application to allow the French Red Cross staff to manage stock in real-time: keep track of their stock in different countries and warehouses through movement creation, project and user management and creation of visual dashboards. The mobile app also allows users to work more quickly by accessing data through QR codes scan.

The WMS was later extended to other agencies of the French Red Cross such as the Plate-Forme d’Intervention Régionale Amériques Caraibes (PIRAC), the Food Aid Platform (PFA) and the Delegation Territoriale Rhône (DT Rhône), who faced similar problems due to the lack of a simple, quick and efficient tracking platform for their warehouses and items management.