The French Red Cross is an independent charity working alongside governments and public authorities. As a key player in society, they provide humanitarian, health, social, welfare and training services thanks to the work of 18,000 employees and 56,000 volunteers.
Since 2011, Croix-Rouge française supports food assistance distribution to the most vulnerable in French Guyane, operating in most of the littoral areas (Cayenne, Kourou, St Laurent du Maroni, Rémire-Montjoly, Mana, Matoury).
Mostly due to the COVID outbreak, and its economical impact on the population, the Food Assistance Platform (PFA) of French Red Cross in French Guiana (Guyane) saw the volume of food distributed multiplied by 3 in 2020 (140 tons in 2019 – 490 tons in 2020 = equivalent 840.000 meals).
Relief Applications supported the organization with experts in emergency need assessment, social work and transversal approach, cash transfer and Information Management to deliver to integrate cash transfer solutions in the programme.
The distribution and analysis of a questionnaire was among the tasks executed. This questionnaire captured the consumption pattern of beneficiaries (which items are most needed, which market they use to shop…), to take their preferred practices in consideration, and discover main constraints.
French Red Cross website:
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